Being involved in a car wreck is one of the most traumatizing events you may experience. The after-effects includes a feeling of insecurity, and a lack of self-confidence in your driving. You also become more wary and sensitive to cars the seem to get a little too close for comfort. But again, that is what you must deal with later. But IMMEDIATELY following the accident, you have a dozen things that you must do. Read these 12 Steps now, so that when you are possibly met with this unexpected misfortune, you can bring order to chaos:

Render aid, if anyone is hurt.
Call 911 for ambulance (only if needed) and police (to make a police report).
This next one is new to me: I asked the other driver to exchange information, but they did not want to. So when the police officer arrived, I asked if we should have exchanged information. And the Officer said that exchanging information is no longer needed, if the Police Report is made. The Officer continued that giving the other driver your phone number and address can sometimes lead to unwanted communication. The Police Report captures all of the Insurance information, as well. However, if the police will not come (due to no injuries, or limited manpower), then you will need to exchange information before leaving the scene. Name, address, phone #, Insurance Policy #. Try to take a picture of the Drivers License, Insurance Card, and License Plate.
Take pictures of the auto accident damages. It can be used to assess damages, confirm the limit to damages so that no pre-existing or future damages are added on in error.
Take pictures of the intersection where it occurred. Pictures could prove that the distance or ramp or other conditions should be considered.
Take pictures of the other driver. It could prove to your insurance company the status of the other driver (wearing a leg brace or visibly pregnant, or who actually got out of the driver’s seat, etc. It could also show the physical condition of the other driver/passengers.
Call the tow truck. In minor cases, the firemen will help you to pick up detached bumpers and other items, and then you can drive away. But, if you can’t drive away, you will need the tow truck. So, First, make sure you need a tow, because if you request AAA or your Roadside Service to come out, they will count this request against your total calls for the year.
Call your insurance company. Leave a message if it is after hours and they will return the call tomorrow.
Call a Car Wreck Lawyer. When you know the other driver is at fault (you may even have exchanged numbers with witnesses who will testify that they were at the scene to prove your innocence) - and you contact the other driver's insurance company to provide you with a rental car while your car is being repaired - they may refuse to assist you. So, that is when you need to get a lawyer involved.
Go by a pain reliever, such as Motrin or Bayer or Tylenol. You may have soreness or whiplash tomorrow. Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, so I cannot give you medical advice.
If you will be driving your wrecked car home, call a family member or friend to follow you home, because you might feel a little uneasy or fearful or shaky. Their presence will give you peace of mind.
And, in all places and at all times, give God thanks. Eph 5:20 Thank God that you, your passengers, the other driver and their passengers were not physically hurt!